situations that you can have in London


in the tubes:

Johnny: Oh no, I missed the tube that i had to take to my hotel.
Marco: What was the number of the tube you had to take?
Johnny: It was the number 32 and it left at 12:30.
Marco: Here I have the schedule of all the tubes, the number 32 is comming again at 2:30, be on time for this one.
Johnny: Thank you, I will be on time for the next tube. Bye!
Marco: Bye!

in a tour

Samantha:Excuse me, where are we. I am lost!
Ronald: We are passing right now the Big Ben.
Samantha: Thank you! Do you know when is the next stop?
Ronald: Yes, it`s in half an hour.
Samantha: Thank you, again! Bye
Ronald: Bye!

at Tower Bridge (London Bridge)

Camila: Why is the bridge going up mommy?

mom: It`s going up so a boat can pass under it.

Camila: Oh, I was getting scared.

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